Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Saber Toothed Tiger

I was reading a National Geographic article on reviving extint species (de-extinction).  The article dealt with the science and of course the morality of the decision (would these reintroduced species become invasive and kill off other extant species?).  The article described the work of a team of Spanish and French scientists who reversed time to rivive a wild goat known as a bucardo, or Phyrenean ibex.  Unfortately, the one hybrid clone out of 57 that was born alive died within minutes of birth.  The science of "how" is far from being completely elucidated.

One of the cooler parts of the article (as if de-extiction is not cool enough itself), was the various artist renditions and models of animals like the wooly mammoth, thylacine and of course, the saber-toothed tiger.  Of all the species described, this one fires my imagination the most.  And like the drawing of the rhinos, I again choose to make my own toned paper and drew with a dip nib and brown ink.  Parts of the drawing does look faded as I tried out an newer brown ink (which I did not like) before finishing with the nut brown ink.

                         Nut brown ink on toned 140 lbs watercolor paper 9x12

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